Category Archives: Fun

“I want you to try something. The hew-mons call this Root Beer […] it’s so sweet and cloying. […] And you know what the worst part is? After a while, you actually find that you enjoy it…” Launches! Launches!

It’s done! I finished it! Ask the Fatty! is up and running and it’s fat-tastic! This has totally been one of those fool ideas that came from a joke which had no business springing to life into a full fledged project, but there you have it. Ask the Fatty! has got to be up there in my personal list of harebrained ideas, but goddamn if I’m not amused by the whole thing. I don’t really have a lot to say about it since my first few posts on the new site talk about the hilarious trials I had in getting it all off the ground and the sidebar contains the site’s origin story, which is actually factual!

Hey, here’s some insider info for my loyal readers: New features coming soon to Ask the Fatty!. I’ve found some plugins that will allow some pretty slick facey-place integration into both Ask the Fatty! and this site. That’ll probably be coming sometime in the next week cause I’m kinda burned after my week-long website creation/maintenance binge. I’m tired, it’s getting late (or I’m getting old, take your pick), and I’ve got work tomorrow. So for now, I sign off and bid you a good night.

PS: In case any one of you 1 or 2 long time visitors are worried, I’m not abandoning this in favor of Ask the Fatty!. That site has a narrow focus, and anything outside that focus will still be here. See, I’ll have 2 sites to neglect! updates here will continue in a frequent and regular fashion!

An unlikely muse

An unlikely muse

I didn’t think my co-worker’s boyfriend would be a source of inspiration for hilarious misdeeds such as I am prone to, but it just goes to show you that you can never be too sure where your next set of shenanigans is going to come from. Set of shenanigans… do shenanigans come in sets? If I do something filled with tomfoolery, am I engaging in a single shenanigan? Come to think of it, I’ve never heard anyone use the singular form of shenanigans, like ever. It’s always “What sort of idiot shenanigans are you up to?” or “What’s the deal with all these shenanigans?!” They always seem to come in some plural form. I guess set of shenanigans would be ok.

But I digress.

So Mike, you’ve caused me to start something here, something that may well end in tears (but will more than likely end in me undoing my last year’s weight loss, which will subsequently lead to tears), and I place any and all blame directly at your feet, sir! How do you sleep at night?! MONSTER!

So anyway, it looks as if we’re still in the propagation stage of things. Maybe another day or two and I can start doing some backend work and design. When this thing goes live, its going to be SO AWESOME.

Bliggity blogs, facey spaces, and tweety pages

Bliggity blogs, facey spaces, and tweety pages

I think I may well be one of the cool kids now. I’ve had this bliggity blog since Nornan only knows when, but just recently, I got myself a facey space and a tweety page too. And wouldn’t you know it, the tweety page has a whatsadoodle that makes all of these three things link together in some arcane and black magic way. (OK, so what it really does is just display my last 4 Twitter updates on my blog and Facebook wall, but considering it took about 12 seconds to set up said integration, it may as well be black magic.) You know, I should probably get on writing up that Electric Zoo trip. And resurrecting the pre-2004 archives. And rounding out the beatstick section. If people are going to come look at this place, the cobwebs should be cleared away, right? Man, social interaction is hard! 🙁

On a sort of related note, I heard from an old school member of The NORN Collective not too long ago. It was TOTALLY AWESOME! So many fond memories from those days! All because I started a cult participated in an early form of social networking.

Hey, is that what all this social interaction stuff is? I can totally do that! 😀


Despair! is hilarious. Their newsletter is hilarious. Don’t believe me? I offer the following proof; the closing line of a recent newsletter they sent out:

“Rock on with a frock on!”

I can’t stop laughing. I fear I may say this to someone at a wildly inappropriate time.

Well, poo.

Well, poo.

So today is 9/9/09, which is awesome. I’m a giant geek, so I love stuff like that. For example, a few years ago, it was 1:23 PM at 4/5/06 and at that exact minute, I along with my Molecular Cell Biology class observed a moment of AWESOME for a time and date combination that will not come again for many, many years. Similarly, today is 9/9/09, which I realized a few days ago. In fact, just a short while ago, it was 9:09:09 on 9/9/09. I just saw Google’s doodle for this, which made me realize about the time matching the date, and I was like, “Wait! Where was I at this most awesome of times?” And then I realized: I was seeing a man about a wallaby. Perhaps not the most awesome way to spend such a time, but I’ll get another chance tonight, as will you! Tonight, it will be 9:09:09 PM on 9/9/09! And let me tell you, I plan on partying my ass of for that second. Alas, a second is really all I can party my ass off for right now. I was at Electric Zoo this weekend. I was there both days, open till close (noon-11 PM) and had a hell of a time. Of course, a combined 22 hrs of dancing (read: flailing about in an uncoordinated manner) over 2 days tends to take its toll. I’m not as young as I used to be. Also, I may never walk again. Or move. So very stiff and sore. But it was so worth it, and I’m totally gonna do it again next year. Next year I’m getting the VIP tickets, however. They get DELUXE BATHROOMS that don’t look/smell like the embodiment of the apocalypse. They also get bleachers for the main stage and their own shade tent and a fancy bar. But really the bathrooms are the big draw. Oh, and I have pictures! And crappy video! I’ll be writing up my EZ experience in more detail later, but let me just state this for the record: It was FRELLING AMAZING!

An Abusive Relationship

An Abusive Relationship

So Sharon just found a place where you can send the Google team comments about their photo organizer software Picasa. I would say that I have used Picasa, but that would not be accurate. More correctly, Picasa has used me. When I first got Picasa, I was bright eyed and full of hope. It looked like it would be really good! I had been searching for just the right software to handle my pictures for some time, and Picasa was like Princess Hotness riding to the rescue. I downloaded it and installed it, and that’s when things went wrong. I am considering sending the comments below to Google, so that maybe they can get some help for Picasa. I would hate to see others abused as I have been.

The web form asks: “Share how Picasa has changed the way you edit and share your photos. Send us your story.”

My proposed reply:
“How has Picasa changed the way I edit and share my photos? Simply put sirs, it has stopped me from partaking of either of those activities. I find that when I wish to organize photographs, being kicked in the Mean Bean Machine™ is a strong disincentive to do it again! Also, the prejudicial behavior shown by Picasa towards certain, seemingly random photos, taken with my various digital cameras which cause the program to either crash to the desktop or hang makes me drink to excess, which is clearly playing into Picasa’s hands, as now i am just as drunk as she is and wont mind the beatings so much. And the willful misreading of date stamps? The less said about that, the better. But I am strong. I am not an object to be abused. I have left Picasa, and now live in the shadowy underbelly of the world of digital photos. Sure, I still take new photos, but i keep them in simple directories (My Photos/[Name of Event]) on a hard drive that Picasa does not scan, safe from her prying eyes. I rarely share them, lest her sister, Google Talk, tell her of my infidelities. I most certainly refrain from editing them for that would certainly bring Picasa’s heavy, booze fueled backhand to fly across my face. In closing, i have been deeply psychologically impacted by Picasa and will never share and edit digital photos again. I hope you’re happy.”

Happy Freakin New Year’s?

Happy Freakin New Year’s?

Somehow, it didn’t occur to me until about 20 seconds ago that today was actually New Year’s Eve. I knew it was the 31st of December, but for some reason, the significance, the import of that was lost on me until just now. WTF? Not sure where my head is, but whatever. So. Happy New Year’s! Now only if this whole job situation would magically resolve itself, I’d be having a great time. Normally I do something fun, whether its going to a party, getting smashed with friends, or watching the Twilight Zone marathon, but due to my complete lack of foresight, I’ve got nothing. I could bust out my complete Twilight Zone Definitive Edition DVD set and watch that, but somehow I feel ripped off because I didn’t start watching this morning. I’m beside myself with a sort of shocked confusion.

Mission Accomplished!

Mission Accomplished!

It’s been some time since I updated, but with good reason. I’ve been busy. First, I went on vacation for two weeks to MT. That was fun. Good times were had. I saw the running of the sheep at Reed Point, MT. After that, I was working full time for a few weeks, while packing up my life into boxes I got from work. Then, I drove 2223.8 miles in 3 days and arrived in MT to start my new life. Extra special thanks go to my best friend for giving me a place to stay while I get myself on my feet.

That’s right ladies and gents, I finally made the move. I’m in Montana. It certainly is a change from NY, but its a good one. I’ve unpacked/stored for later most of what I brought with me. There’s still a few things I mailed here that I wasn’t able to fit in Isabelle. Speaking of which, she handled being loaded down with ~500 lbs of junk and driving across the country with no trouble at all. She drove like a dream and I averaged about 33 mpg for the whole trip, which is pretty great considering the load she was under and the fact that she’s only rated to do 28 mpg.

Well, it’s nearly 3 am here, and I’m tired. You kids have a good night.

PS: It’s really nice not working at Geico anymore. That place was a festering cesspool of evil.

The Morning After

The Morning After

“Shit. What time is it?”

There are 4 bottles left and it’s fucking 9:20 AM. I got to sleep at 4 last night and then had to wake up like a half hour ago. So there’s one more early (and I mean EARLY) wake up call left and I still have to dispose of the evidence. I need to find me a good bottle return machine, post-haste.

While it appears my typing has improved, I do believe I am still slightly tipsy. Not like last night’s drunken Diablo II where I was totally angry-cat-faced, but still a little sauced.

I think, for a moment there, I was about to get philosophical or something, but that moment has passed. I still can’t believe I was able to play Diablo II and beat Act II while hammered. Thanks go to Sharon, my bestest friend, who called me up with a rousing call to arms and showed me that even when drnka, I can still fight evil. Like that Legend of Drunken Master movie with Jackie Chan. Except with less kicking, as Sharon put it.

I’m going to drop my fool sister off at work. Then, I go back to bed.

Behold the power of my wrath!

Behold the power of my wrath!

In our last episode, I unleashed my unending wrath on the local gas stations. It seems that when I verbally abuse gas station owners, they listen! Not two days after my scathing diatribe, just about every gas station within a 10 mile radius started dropping their prices to match (or at least come close to matching) what BJ’s had. Not only that, but they’ve been steadily falling ever since! Now, most gas stations have all three grades under $3.00/gallon. There are still a few with expensive premium, but they’re dwindling fast. It’s a fine start, I must say, but that’s all it is: A start.

You see, one of the things that has enraged me as of late has been the disparity of pricing among the different grades. As far back as I can remember, each octane level was ~$0.10 more expensive than the one below it. But the past several weeks, the normal grade gas (87 octane around here) has been ~$0.20 cheaper while the higher grades didn’t come down in price at all. As I said earlier, since my last post, prices have dropped across the board at most of the local stations, but I won’t truly be mollified until the mid grade (91 octane) and premium (93 octane) prices come down to return to the days of a $0.10 seperation between grades. No other course of action is acceptable!

I challenge you now, gas station owners! I challenge you in the name of affordable gas prices that don’t cut into my video games, hookers, and blow budget! I say you must lower the mid and premium grades another $0.10 to keep the proper price spread! And then, if you have the backbone for it, you must continue your overall price reduction to bring us back to the halcyon days of our innocence!

Gas station owners, only you can save our freedom.