Yarrr, maties! It be talk like a pirate day! Grab yer eyepatch and parrot and keelhaul the nearest landlubber!
Yarrr, maties! It be talk like a pirate day! Grab yer eyepatch and parrot and keelhaul the nearest landlubber!
Today is six years since I got my beautiful car, Isabelle. Since I got her new, it’s her birthday, as far as I’m concerned. What’s also exciting about this day is that it’s the one year anniversary of paying off my car loan! Actually, paying off both my car and my mom’s car. At 10:55 AM this morning, one year ago, I walked into my local Chase branch and made that last payment. It was a beautiful day then, and it’s another beautiful day today. A huge weight was lifted on that day and whenever I think back on it, I smile. I just wanted to post a little note and share my happy. 🙂