Category Archives: Ask the Fatty!

A Few Quick Notes…

A Few Quick Notes…

Some stuff! I did it today! Read!

  1. Google has developed an online font api thing that lets you use fonts that aren’t even on your computer machine on your website. They had the Droid font available, so I just converted the site to use that instead of Trebuchet or whatever the hell I was using before. Isn’t a trebuchet some kind of medieval siege weapon? I think it threw rocks like a catapult or something. That’s a stupid name for a font.
  2. Cat!
  3. So it turns out I should have previewed what the site looked like before I started writing point number 1 up there. Seems like the Droid font gets a bit cut off no matter what size I make it. Letters like g and y have their little tails chopped off, and we can’t have that! Aside from the humanitarian reasons, it just looks faintly ridiculous. So back to Trebuchet or whatever the hell it was before. Boo!
  4. I’ve had Symphony of Science on repeat for the past few days. I’ll be writing a follow up post to that shortly. Possibly even today!
  5. I just found my eMusic gift cards from before they redid their pricing structure to include 100% more suck. I’ll have to redeem these things and violate their site before they expire.
  6. It’s totally a lazy Sunday today, but I’m going to see if I can get both of my pending candy bar reviews done today. Also I have to look into the Picassa thing for this site.
  7. I need more days off!



Wow, I haven’t been this prolific (if such a word can be used to describe such a small quantity) since November of 2006. That was the last time I had this many posts in one month. I’m going to have to pick up the pace for next month if I want this site to be something more than a place where I check in approximately once a year to register the fact that yes, I am in fact alive. I’m about to set to work on my 2 remaining absurdly overdue reviews for Ask the Fatty. After that, I think I’m going to (finally!) complete my picture galleries here on My Twisted Mind and also see what I can do in terms of either mirroring them on Picassa’s web albums or integrating that on the site somehow. The reason I’m looking at Picassa is because of the Android integration. I found out, quite by accident, that pictures in Picassa’s web galleries show up as if they were pictures native to my phone when I access it’s picture gallery option. They’re separated out into their own category, but show up automatically without me having to do any configuration or tweaking. It’s pretty sweet.

Can I tell you how much I love my Droid? I’m sure I’ve mentioned it before, but I just can’t get over how awesome this thing is. I’ve most recently been playing with apps that alter the home screen of the Droid. After seeing how the Nexus One has 2 more home screen to fill with app icons than the Droid, I knew I had to find some way to replicate this functionality on the Droid. A quick Google search found me a couple of alternative home screens that let you take your home screens up to 9. (How awesome would it be if it went up to 11 though?) They have varying features and some work better than others. Most of the forum threads I found about these programs talked about people using them for 2 weeks before making a decision, though to be honest, I can’t imagine how. About half of the suggested programs either gave me grief when trying to set them up and then acted sluggish every time I tried to use them. Worse yet, they crashed (or “force closed” in Android terms) seemingly at random. All but one of them had an extra row of pre-set icons on either side of the app drawer that you couldn’t customize. There was one that didn’t suffer from these limitations. It’s called TagHome and it’s awesome. It’s not foolishly sluggish, it didn’t present any setup problems, it’s bottom icon row is totally customizable, and it has an indicator to tell you which screen you’re on. And it goes up to nine. That’s right, NINE! Not that I’ll need that many, but it’s nice to have. It’s interface is also the closest to the stock Android interface, which I happen to quite like.

Right now, it’s time for dinner, ice cream, then to work on website fun times. A sea monster had better not have eaten my ice cream.

Unidentified Shiny Objects

Unidentified Shiny Objects

So… yeah… I was looking for something to put on the TV as background noise while I worked on the Ask the Fatty reviews and I came across some show on History International about UFOs and then it was 2 hours later. Oops. I also kinda wanted to consolidate my RSS feeds into Google Reader instead of my Google homepage so that I could read this endless stream of tomfoolery on the go via Newsrob. I might do that after I do some review work. Or I might do that first. Stupid Shiny Syndromeâ„¢, it always sidetracks me into all kinds of irrelevant stuff. Right now they’re recreating dogfights between UFOs and military pilots who’ve encountered them. They’re going to use an EMP pulse generated via a Tesla coil to blow out a computer to see if it would reboot after the pulse. Apparently you can. And a UFO neutralized some pilot’s avionics during an engagement and they weren’t sure how at the time the dogfight occurred in the 70s.


So yeah, I’m gonna go play around with my RSS feeds. Speaking of which, hey Cat! Tell me if the RSS link I sent you worked right. I’M DYING TO KNOW SO I MAY INCORPORATE IT DIRECTLY ON THE SITE. NO PRESSURE! 😉